Sunday, 25 December 2011


Finally we success train the hamster. Now our group finished the task given by lecturer which is training the hamster.. I will upload the video later to show the result of our training....

Never expected that we can actually train the animal especially to those who are actually afraid of animals..Alhamdulillah everything becomes easy at last.

Monday, 12 December 2011

~Other Task~

While we memorized Quran, my dear lecturer assigned us (group) a task that to train a small animal like white mice, hamster, lizard, turtle and etc to go through a maze. 

So my group have decided to choose HAMSTER for this task assignment. Thanks a lot to Nabihah for her willingness to buy the hamster. Really appreciate it. 

Now we are in a process to train that animal. It will be trained twice a week. We will provide reinforcement and punishment to the hamster. InsyaAllah with this training, our hamster will learn fast in order to explore the maze. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

~Benefits Of Memorizing The Quran~

  1. Since the Quran is the word of Allah Almighty, when you memorize it , this will be the best you ever done!  Memorizing the Quran will open all the doors of good for you.
  2. Memorizing the Quran means that you will obtain ten good deeds for each letter! If you know, for example that the number of letters in the shortest Surah in the Quran, which is Surah Al-Kawthar, is 42 letters. This Surah can be read in seconds, which means that whenever you read it, your account at Allah Almighty will increase to 420 good deeds, each one of these good deeds is much better than this World and what is in it!! Consider how many good deeds you will gain when you read the whole Quran which includes more than three hundred thousand letters!!
  3. The Quran includes all the sciences of this World and the Hereafter, the stories of ancestors and successors. It includes many of the scientific, cosmic, legislative and medical facts, and it includes also provisions, laws and legislation that regulate the life of a believer and make him much happier. This means that when you memorize the Quran, you memorize the largest encyclopedia.
  4. This Quran, which you memorize and keep today, will be your companion at the dying moment!! It will be your defender and your intercessor at the time you are abandoned by the nearest people.  The Prophet (pbuh) says, "Read the Quran, it will be the intercessor of its companions on the Day of Resurrection"  Will there be a best moment other than the one when meeting on the Day of Resurrection with Allah Almighty and you have memorized His words.
  5. When you memorize the Quran, your expressing ability will be stronger because of the classic Arabic you acquire from the Quran. You will have more ability for dealing, endurance and patience, because memorizing the Quran is not only like memorizing a poem, a story, or a song. However, when you memorize the Quran, in fact you are changing your attitude towards everything around you, and thus your behavior will be following what you have memorized
  6. Our Lady Aysha (May Allah be pleased with her) was asked about the ethics of the Prophet and she said, "His ethics was the Quran"!!  If you would like your ethics be like the Prophet's (pbuh), you have to memorize the Quran.
  7. The Quran is a healing for physical and psychological diseases. If reading Al-Fatiha (The Opening) cures a patient if Allah permits, what about who memorize the whole Quran? You will get rid of devilish whispers; your body immunity will increase due to the great change you experience while you are memorizing the Quran.  This is not only a theoretical speech but a real experience that is witnessed by those who memorized the Quran or parts of it.
  8. When you decide to memorize the Quran, you won't have extra time, boredom, nor a feeling of concern, stress and fear.  The Quran will remove concerns, grief and the accumulations of the past, you will be reborned. Nonetheless, what prevent us from memorizing the Quran in our hearts? Why do many people try to memorize the Book of Allah Almighty but they cannot?  The reason according what I think is a big problem that we have to overcome, what is it?

    Tuesday, 6 December 2011


    Today alhamdulillah my MULK is good. I'm able to recall all the 30 verses. I hope it will stay permanently in my brain and the light of Quran will help to cure my heart's diseases.

    But I still having problem with YASSIN. I dont know why sometimes I cant recall what I've been memorized before. The problem occur when I cant remember the beginning of the ayat. In other word, I can still remember the full ayat but with the help of others on the beginning of the ayat. It seems that I still have to improve my memorization day by day.

    May Allah bless me...

    Friday, 25 November 2011

    ~Keberkatan Surah Yassin~

    Sudah pasti ramai yang mengetahui bahawa surah Yasin yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quran merupakan sebuah surah yang selalu dibaca oleh umat Islam dan ia selalu dibaca pada malam Jumaat. Tetapi tahukah kita bahawa dengan mengamalkan membaca surah Yasin tidak kira masa, kita akan memperolehi pelbagai khasiat dan kebaikan.

    Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Bacalah surah Yasin kerana ia mengandungi keberkatan.” Iaitu:
    1. Apabila orang lapar membaca surah Yaasin, ia boleh menjadi kenyang.
    2. Jika orang tiada pakaian boleh mendapat pakaian.
    3. Jika orang belum berkahwin akan mendapat jodoh.
    4. Jika dalam ketakutan boleh hilang perasaan takut.
    5. Jika terpenjara akan dibebaskan.
    6. Jika musafir membacanya, akan mendapat kesenangan apa yang dilihatnya.
    7. Jika tersesat boleh sampai ke tempat yang ditujuinya.
    8. Jika dibacakan kepada orang yang telah meninggal dunia, Allah meringankan siksanya.
    9. Jika orang yang dahaga membacanya, hilang rasa hausnya.
    10. Jika dibacakan kepada orang yang sakit, terhindar daripada penyakitnya.
    11. Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: “Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu mempunyai hati dan hati al-Quran itu ialah Yasin. Sesiapa membaca surah Yasin, nescaya Allah menuliskan pahalanya seperti pahala membaca al-Quran sebanyak 10 kali.”
    12. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W lagi: “Apabila datang ajal orang yang suka membaca surah Yasin pada setiap hari, turunlah beberapa malaikat berbaris bersama Malaikat Maut. Mereka berdoa dan meminta dosanya diampunkan Allah, menyaksikan ketika mayatnya dimandikan dan turut menyembahyangkan jenazahnya.”
    13. Malaikat Maut tidak mahu memaksa mencabut nyawa orang yang suka membaca Yaasin sehingga datang Malaikat Redwan dari syurga membawa minuman untuknya. Ketika dia meminumnya alangkah nikmat perasaannya dan dimasukkan ke dalam kubur dengan rasa bahagia dan tidak merasa sakit ketika nyawanya diambil.
    14. Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda selanjutnya: “Sesiapa bersembahyang sunat dua rakaat pada malam Jumaat, dibaca pada rakaat pertama surah Yaasin dan rakaat kedua Tabaroka. Allah jadikan setiap huruf cahaya di hadapannya pada hari kemudian dan dia akan menerima suratan amalannya di tangan kanan dan diberi kesempatan membela 70 orang daripada ahli rumahnya tetapi sesiapa yang meragui keterangan ini, dia adalah orang-orang yang munafik.
    Begitu banyak khasiat dan kebaikan yang bakal kita perolehi melalui bacaan surah Yasin, seperti yang telah disebut seperti di atas Yasin umpama hati kepada al-Quran. Sudah semestinya salah satu cara untuk mendekatkan diri kepada seseorang pastinya melalui hati, oleh itu marilah kita mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah S.W.T. melalui ibadah dan bacaan Yasin. InsyaAllah.

    Thursday, 24 November 2011

    ~Khasiat Ayat Surah Mulk~

    Untuk kali ini, saya akan menggunakan bahasa melayu bagi memudahkan saya untuk menyampaikan tentang khasiat beberapa ayat dari Surah Mulk. Diantaranya:
    1.  Khasiat Ayat 14 Surah Al-Mulk

    أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ‌ ﴿١٤

    Tidakkah Allah yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk itu mengetahui (segala-galanya)? Sedang Ia Maha Halus urusan PentadbiranNya, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya!
    1. Dipandang hebat dan berwibawa.
    2. Boleh mengetahui apakah kelebihan diri sendiri.
    3..Dapat merasai apabila ajal telah hampir tiba.
    4. Jika diamalkan menjadi wirid, zikir harian boleh meluaskan rezeki dan menghilangkan fakir.
    5. Dibaca 2,012 kali untuk menolak bala yang besar.
    6. Jauh dari seksa kubur jika dibaca ayat 14 dan 15 surah Al Mulk.
    7. Jika berhajat hendak melihat orang yang melakukan jahat, pencuri, sihir, memfitnah, orang yang sudah meninggal dalam kubur dan perkara yang penting dalam peperiksaan lakukan:
    a. Solat hajat.
    b. Baca ayat di atas 9 kali dan diniatkan.
    c. Tidur dalam keadaan berwudhu dan berdoa (apa niat kita) dan tidur mengiring dengan lembung kanan.

    2.  Khasiat Ayat 23 Surah Al-Mulk

    قُلْ هُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَكُمْ وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ‌ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ ۖ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُ‌ونَ ﴿٢٣

    Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Allah yang menciptakan kamu (dari tiada kepada ada), dan mengadakan bagi kamu pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati (untuk kamu bersyukur, tetapi) amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur”.
    - Jika diamalkan ayat ini, iaitu dibacakan pada gigi yang sakit. InsyaAllah, akan berkurangan dan sembuh sakit giginya.
    Terdapat banyak keistimewaan daripada tiga puluh ayat Surah Al – Mulk tersebut. Ia akan terus mensyafaati bagi orang yang membacanya dengan istiqamah hingga ia diampunkan.

    Thursday, 10 November 2011

    ~May Allah Bless Me~

    Alhamdulillah today, I just finished 26 verses of Surah Mulk. InsyaAllah by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I'll complete memorizing all the verses in Surah Mulk, with the bless of Allah. Amin.

    After that I'll start with Surah Yassin and I had planned to memorize 10 verses  per day. Pray for me. May my memory work well. InsyaAllah.

    Friday, 28 October 2011

    ~Reason Behind It~

    Well after got headache doing my midterm exam for personality paper, time for me to relax my mind by surfing internet. When surfing internet, I straightly go to As I promised in last two post that I’ll share why Surah Al-Mulk become my optional surah. 

                    The reason why I’m choosing this surah is because; I had memorized it previously when I was in form 2. So, having something that I have memorized before will not waste my time. Although I had put the surah in my long-term memory, I still  need to recall it back because without maintenance rehearsal, people might forget what they have memorized and it happened to me right now.

                    With the other surah which is compulsory surah; surah Yassin, its actually I had memorized when I’m in form 2 as well, but at that time I were ask to memorize only until verses 26. It means I’ve another 57 verses to remember. And perhaps I can do this task easily with guidance of Allah.

    Friday, 21 October 2011

    ~Seven Simple Techniques to Improve Memory~

    Most of us might have complained about our memory one time or other. But some of us have been frequently complaining about our poor memory. When I generally talk about poor memory, I am really talking about poor recollection. Recollection is possible only if the content is retained in memory. This is possible only if I have recorded it into memory. That is, unless I have not assimilated, I cannot recall at all.
    Even if I record something correctly in my memory, I may not be able to recall it. This is due to many reasons, the main reasons being problems in retention and stress. Now let us discuss seven simple techniques to improve my memory in remembering surahs.
    1.      I will divide the surah part by part. Its mean that, if the surah has 30 verses, I will divide it into three divisions. For example, in Surah Al-Mulk, there are 30 verses, so, I will separate in three divisions, first division consist of verse no one. Psychological bases for this strategy are CHUNKING.

    2.      I will keep repeating a page by moving to the next page. For example, for 1 page, repeated it for 5 times. This psychological base known as MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL.

    3.      I will use the same mushaf (reading material) or state at the same environment which are in terms of place and time. This psychological base is ENCODING SPECIFICITY.

    4.      I will understand the meaning first before start memorizing the verse by reading the tafsir. This psychological base is known as PROCESSING MODEL.

    5.      I will not do anything while memorizing the surah such as eating. This is because it will distract my attention. It is known as SELECTIVE ATTENTION.

    6.      I will memorize with some tone i.e. rhymes and rhythms. Psychological bases for this strategy are RHYME.

    7.      I will recite the surah before I go to sleep and keep repeating it. It is because it will make the memorization become easy. It can be known as AUTOMATIC ENCODING.  

    Sunday, 9 October 2011

    ~Have To Complete It~

    Last post, I’m not telling yet about my subjects that I take this semester. So, this post I’ll tell about my subjects in semester 1 2011/2012. Okay, this semester I’m taking six core course subjects and one compulsory subject. The six core course subjects are PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTIC, PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY, LEARNING PSYCHOLOGY, ISLAM & PSYCHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY and RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. And the compulsory subject is ARAB LEVEL VI

    So, with the six core course subjects, my credit hours are 18 plus compulsory subject 0.5 plus cocu 1 equal to 19.5. Seems like inviting the troubles, but then, I’ve to force myself to catch up all seven subjects. 

    Since I’m choosing LEARNING PSYCHOLOGY as my subjects this semester, my lecturer assigned us (students) to complete some project. The name of the project is MEMORIZING SURAHS IN THE QURAN. The objective is to apply principle of memory and retention to memorize 2 surahs from Quran. So, I have been given 3 surahs. ONE is COMPULSORY which is YASSIN. And the other TWO is OPTIONAL which are AL-MULK and AL-WAQIAH

    I’m choosing AL-MULK as my optional surah. That’s means; I’ve to memorize YASSIN and AL-MULK to complete the task given by lecturer. I’ve start to memorize from 3 OCTOBER 2011 until the end of the project. So, in the next two post, I’ll share some reasons why I choosed Al-Mulk as my optional surah.

    Saturday, 8 October 2011

    ~In A Jiffy~

    My name is SITI NADZIRAH BINTI NOORDIN. 1016368 I was born in 1990, means now I'm 21 YEARS OLD. I’m studying at INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA. Since I’m one of HUMAN SCIENCE students, I have been given the opportunity to choose one out of five specializations. There are Communication, Political Science, Sociology & Anthropology, History & Civilization and Psychology. So with those five courses, I have chosen PSYCHOLOGY as my specialization. This is because I like to have knowledge about behavior n mental process in human and animal’s life. 

                    I just want to let you all know that, some people believe psychology is just study of people and what makes them tick. Psychologist does study of people, but they study animals too. What makes people and animals ‘tick’ is what goes on inside their bodies and brains as well as what they do. So, when we talk about behavior, it includes all of our outward or overt actions and reactions such as talking, facial expressions, and movement. The term mental processes refer to all intervals, covert activity of our minds, such as thinking, feeling, and remembering.  

                    So, that’s the reason why I’m choosing Psychology as my specialization. By the way, I think it’s enough for today. I’ll update a lot of stories in my days. See u in the next post.